
Ho Seok Kee 何淑芝


Email: kee.hsk@gmail.com





1. 2018 UOB Painting of the Year (Singapore) Silver Award, Established Artist Category

2. 2018 Killiney Art Prize Top Achiever Award (Degree)

Seok Kee is a local interdisciplinary artist.  She was trained in Chinese ink painting in her earlier art education but has moved on to create contemporary works since 2017. Her first love is Chinese ink painting, and she continues to integrate the spirit of Chinese ink canons  in her contemporary artworks.

Where there are rice grains in her painting, each grain is painted with a single stroke, and executed with the Chinese ink brush stroke technique. Every grain goes through the orderly process of 'press', 'drag', and  'lift' brush stroke movement (‘按笔’,‘行笔’,‘收笔’).

Kee’s paintings explore subject matters that concern the living environment, immigration and transplantation, science and technology innovations.  Her interdisciplinary practices combine the western art theories and Chinese ink philosophies.

She has participated actively in group exhibitions both locally and overseas. Her first solo show, organised by UOB, was held in UOB Art Gallery in 2020. Her rice grain paintings are sought after by collectors and have won the following prizes:

1. 2018 UOB Painting of the Year (Singapore) Silver Award, Established Artist Category

2. 2018 Killiney Art Prize Top Achiever Award (Degree)