涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter(2024)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter(2023)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

<嘿,篆刻还可这样玩!:啸涛印人展> 作品选集(2023)
Carving Possibilities: An Exhibition by Siaw-Tao Seal Carvers

展览展出 32位啸涛印人的逾 300 件篆刻作品。策展人林佳宁提出的“篆刻的可能性”的启示下,本次展览中的篆刻作品试图回顾篆刻实践社群的发展和轨迹,并深入探讨在现代新加坡文化背景下刻制古老文字所蕴含的意义。在《嘿,篆刻还可这样玩!》展览中展示了在非传统媒介上雕刻的印章(例如古董麻将牌、雕刻水泥或树脂),非传统文字和语言(例如简化汉字、缅甸语以及爪夷字的马来文),本土内容(例如当地的俚语或装饰图案),以及陈述了多年来新加坡这一艺术形式发展的古典式篆刻。它们共同呈现了从实践者2023 年的角度看待新加坡篆刻艺术的具体画面。伴随展览的目录,包含策展文章,试图将篆刻置于艺术历史叙事的背景中,并解读本次展出的篆刻作品。

涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter(2021)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

Siaw-Tao 50th Anniversary Collection of Artworks

啸涛篆刻书画会50周年画册,集会员作品, 五年出版一次。

A quinquennial catalogue of artworks by members of the Siaw-Tao Seal Carving, Calligraphy & Painting Society, printed in conjunction with the Society’s 50th anniversary.


封城印痕 (2020)

”封城不封刀, 伤痕生印痕“ - 陈志锐博士


The limited edition print is a collection of seal carvings by local seal engravers who were inspired by events triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter(2019)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter (2018)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

Tao Sheng Newsletter (2017)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.

涛声 Tao Sheng Newsletter (2016)

啸涛篆刻书画会年度画报。 内容包含本会展览及活动报道,艺术家专访和特邀专栏。

An annual newsletter published by Siaw-Tao featuring Society’s exhibitions, events of the year, interviews with member artists and special write ups.